Tuesday, 29 May 2007


I can see you were not wholly convinced by the unreality of the housing market. That shows intelligence. You may be poor but you are not stupid. Good. Now let us look a real alternative to Global Warming.
Go up into the mountains, where there’s snow, maybe even a glacier or two, and you will be able to monitor the progress of GW, see what is going on long before those living down in the cities and on the plains.
That gives you an initial advantage. Now, here comes the truly clever bit. You are going to find a well-built wooden hut with concrete foundations somewhere near the top, above the first trees. You must not risk trees or snow or ice from crushing your new home.
Keep it secret and stocked with food. Then start spending longer and longer watching the snow and ice melt. You will be able to notice quite quickly how fast Global Warming is happening. Once the mountain sides are bare thanks to the avalanches ripping down the trees and destroying the villages in the valleys you will be free to roam about, knowing there will be no living humans in the vicinity.
Take some friends so you can watch out for the mobs. They are bound to come along at some point. When that happens make sure that you are armed with logs to roll down the mountainside to clobber them with. They’ll soon take the hint and move off to the next mountain. A similar kind of approach worked for Robinson Crusoe.

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Welcome to the Survivalist's guide on how to tackle Global Warming. This is a biting, although mainly tongue-in-cheek, blog, aimed at amusing but scaring us into taking action to ensure the human race lives a bit longer than the 60 years some experts predict is all we have left to enjoy.

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Author of fantasy, thriller and adventure novels attempting to cast light on the human experience. Planet Earth is here to stay - but are WE?
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