So the papers are full of the usual old horror story that the housing market is peaking and there is going to be a crash of between twenty and fifty per cent. Oh yeah! That, by any chance, the crash prophesied for last year? Or 200…, well forget the final digit, it’s been suggested by far too many gloomy experts for every year in this millennium.
So, it won’t happen. No, I’m not saying that, just that when it does you will be sitting pretty. Have you attended one of those property courses in big cities; Milton Keynes, perhaps? I know they cost an absolute fortune but was it not worth it? Go on, you’re not having to work anymore are you? All because you are a clever person, a property speculator. Although, you would rather I did not use that word ‘speculator’ because you do not see yourself as a speculator. You are brainy, a bit like Rothschild are Carnegie. Go on, flatter yourself. Who else could have been that clever over the past few years.
I bet hardly anyone else in the country knew that you could fake a Self-Certificated Mortgage. Well, why not? The renter paid the mortgage and you went off and bought another house. And every year it, or should I say they, doubled in value. You sold a few, bought more, rented more and now you have a whole property portfolio worth millions. Ok, most of it is mortgaged and right now you do not have a lot of liquid assets. That’s a temporary situation, after all houses always go up in value and never take that long to sell. You know this because when you were living in rented accommodation working at that shitty job just ten years ago you did a lot of research into the property market. That Porsche car you are driving around town in just proves the point. To think that not so long ago you were made redundant, you had never earned more than thirty thousand pounds a year and now you can spend that on a holiday. Wow, who’s the clever one, now?
All right, let us get real, here. This is not you, now is it? Go on, admit it, you are jealous. Wish you had thought to buy property on self-certification. Thank NuLabour for that, since during the time this party has been in power the number of British citizens owning their own home has fallen. That’s right, fallen. Why? Because the wise ones with the self-certs have been going round snapping up the flats and starter homes and renting them out. Those who got in and got out have done extraordinarily well. But, they haven’t really, now have they? Think about it for a couple of nanoseconds.
The reason why the property market has gone through the roof is two-fold: easy access to low-cost money and no need to prove an income. That was all it took. And that was also all it took to send the British financial system into meltdown.
A proper government would wake up to the fact that this had been going on and if it had any social conscience whatsoever it would have penalised these people in order to allow other poorer, hard-working citizens to afford a roof over their heads.
Why did it not do so? One reason, and one reason only, is that it made the majority of the country, including its newspaper commentators, think that the economy was booming. Indeed, the access to easy money did help the economy, but only in the short-term. It was the biggest economic mistake ever and will soon be recognised for its importance in changing British society for ever.
So, why am I suggesting that at the end of a rising market you should join these people? Simply because they and their government are not living in the real world. If you are not living in the real world you will not even recognise Global Warming when it hits you in the face. March ever onwards with head held high into total ignorance. Be not afraid. You are a fool and others will steer well clear of you when the time comes for disaster. Either that or you will be destroyed before you can even admire yourself for one last time in that magical mirror that reflects only what your imagination brings to its surface.
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